Our Client Review
After suffering a miscarriage and moving to IVF my fertility doctor tested for MTHFR and then pointed me in the direction of MTHFR support Australia. I found the pre-conception course and signed up after attending a free webinar on what the course involved. I was already seeing a naturopath but the course provided me with a greater and in-depth understanding of MTHFR and how it was affected by different aspects. The course was easy to follow, and each module had great resources. I think the quality of the information provided was fantastic. It was invaluable having an expert go through my questions in relation to my blood results, and my situation. The best part for me was the monthly zoom catch-ups held by Carolyn, being able to talk directly to her and also listening to others was really tremendous.

Carolyn Ledowsky
Carolyn Ledowsky is the founder of MTHFR Support Australia. She is a naturopath, herbalist and nutritionist who has a Bachelor of Herbal Medicine, Bachelor of Naturopathy, Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy and Diploma of Nutrition and a Bachelor of Economics from Sydney University. She has also studied courses in genetics at Duke University (Genetics and Evolution) and The University of Maryland (Genes and the Human condition – from behaviour to biotechnology) . She is currently completing a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) Honours.
Carolyn now sees chronically ill patients from all over the world, who have searched, sometimes for decades, to find the reason behind their ill health. Her strength lies in her ability to reveal layers of dysfunction and not give up until results are seen. Most of her patients have MTHFR mutations and/or associated methylation disturbances. Her key passions are:
- fertility and
- anxiety and depression
And her mission is to make sure that every couple knows that miscarriages are often due to a low folate due to an MTHFR deficiency. So too anxiety and depression can be hugely improved without drugs by tweaking the biochemistry caused by either genetic susceptibility and addressing environmental factors that affect these genes.
Her practice specialises in genetic susceptibility and how this contributes to biochemical dysfunction and chronic health conditions.